placing Excel graphs into Word table cells



I need to paste two excel graphs in Word table cells.

1. How could I scale/or measure graphs in Excel?
2. How could I line up Y axis of two graphs that are
differet in height?
3. Or, the above approach is wrong? Then???




I am not sure about your problem. But these links might point you to

You can use J-walk's Chart Tools Add-in to size your chart to an
dimension - (If the add-in does not allow you to measure in inches o
cms, then you can measure your table cells in points instead -
Word->Tools->Options->General->Measurement units).

Regarding aligning your vertical axes etc, I suggest you go through Jo
Peltier's AlignCharts example.

- Lenin
'AlignCharts example
( 'Chart Tool
Add-in' (

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