Back again with a resume' question now that I have the other problem solved.
The instructions from the Univ. I'm sending it to requests that it be plain
text and states "Remove all tabs and replace them with spaces or line
brakes. Make sure all the lines end where you want them to. Be aware that
in some programs the unbroken lines wrap differently than they do in your
word processing program". I know what a tab is, and a space, but a line
break?, wrap differently? It's all new to me. Can anyone explain what
they're saying in easy English???
The instructions from the Univ. I'm sending it to requests that it be plain
text and states "Remove all tabs and replace them with spaces or line
brakes. Make sure all the lines end where you want them to. Be aware that
in some programs the unbroken lines wrap differently than they do in your
word processing program". I know what a tab is, and a space, but a line
break?, wrap differently? It's all new to me. Can anyone explain what
they're saying in easy English???