planned against actual time



I have to primary questions :

1. Is it possible to set a project that has a start date and due date for
each task, but each task has a worker, who works on it on an hourly basis.
(for example, a task that as a due date in 15 days, and a worker that has 35
hours for that task)?

2. Can i make a follow-up on a project, so every task will have an
"estimated execution" in percentages based on the relative task time passed
(e.g. if a task started yesterday and it'd due date is 3 days from now, show
but in the meanwhile i want the worker to log in the hours he worked on the
task (or the relative work he made, out of the all task), and to see this
info as "actual execution".
Does it make a difference (if it's at all posibble) if the worker enters his
working hours, or the amount of work he made?

The projects are programming oriented, so they have deadlines dates for the
individual tasks wothon a project, but all the work is hourly based.


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