MSOP 2007, SP2, April CU
I have two Resource driven Excel reports one pointing at
MSP_Project_Timesheet and one pointing at Timesheet. The Timesheet report
which displays Planned Work appears to be correct. The one pointing at
MSP_Project_Timesheet has zero hoiurs in Planned Work for all dates, all
projects and has some projects with zero hours for Work where the same
project, same date had Planned Work (in Timesheets)and it has some projects
with Work hours but less than Planned Work and it has some projects that
match Work to Planned Work.
Further variables - SP2 was installed last week, but these reports were not
used much by the Resource Manager so the condition may or may not be related
to SP2.
All projects have been republished following SP2 and new cubes have been run.
No effect on the symptom.
So first question - Anybody know if this is SP2 related?
Second question - What is the definition of Planned Work and Work as they
relate to the Cubes? Shouldn't they be the same at the resource level? If the
resource is assigned to a Task I would expect their Work to be Planned Work.
I have two Resource driven Excel reports one pointing at
MSP_Project_Timesheet and one pointing at Timesheet. The Timesheet report
which displays Planned Work appears to be correct. The one pointing at
MSP_Project_Timesheet has zero hoiurs in Planned Work for all dates, all
projects and has some projects with zero hours for Work where the same
project, same date had Planned Work (in Timesheets)and it has some projects
with Work hours but less than Planned Work and it has some projects that
match Work to Planned Work.
Further variables - SP2 was installed last week, but these reports were not
used much by the Resource Manager so the condition may or may not be related
to SP2.
All projects have been republished following SP2 and new cubes have been run.
No effect on the symptom.
So first question - Anybody know if this is SP2 related?
Second question - What is the definition of Planned Work and Work as they
relate to the Cubes? Shouldn't they be the same at the resource level? If the
resource is assigned to a Task I would expect their Work to be Planned Work.