play vid and stop on last frame on Mac PPT 2004



I want to do something in PowerPoint 2004 on a Mac that *I* think is simple:
Play an intro QuickTime (or SWF) video. In other words start with the first
frame, play, and end and stop at the last frame. Sadly, what I get is that it
plays the video to the end, then stops shows the first frame.

I guess it's the "Poster Frame" feature, which automatically selects the
first frame. But when I select the last frame as the Poster Frame, it shows
it at the the beginning as if it's the first frame of the video, and I don't
want that either.

I tried the make the slide automatically transition to another frame w/ the
final frame in it, but it flashes to white no matter what transition I
pick--even if "None"--which looks pretty yucky.

So is there a way to do this in Mac PowerPoint 2004? A Macro, MOV vs. AVI,
VB scriptlet, or am I simply missing a feature?



Jim Gordon MVP


This is something to try (I haven't).

You could make a screen shot of the frame you want.

Then insert the picture into the slide. Arrange for it to be in front. Place
it over the video. Give it an entry effect to appear after previous (after
the movie plays).

-Jim Gordon

I want to do something in PowerPoint 2004 on a Mac that *I* think is simple:
Play an intro QuickTime (or SWF) video. In other words start with the first
frame, play, and end and stop at the last frame. Sadly, what I get is that it
plays the video to the end, then stops shows the first frame.

I guess it's the "Poster Frame" feature, which automatically selects the
first frame. But when I select the last frame as the Poster Frame, it shows
it at the the beginning as if it's the first frame of the video, and I don't
want that either.

I tried the make the slide automatically transition to another frame w/ the
final frame in it, but it flashes to white no matter what transition I
pick--even if "None"--which looks pretty yucky.

So is there a way to do this in Mac PowerPoint 2004? A Macro, MOV vs. AVI,
VB scriptlet, or am I simply missing a feature?



Jim Gordon

MVPs are not Microsoft Employees
MVP info


Wow, this is the closest I've but, yet still a bit off.
What happens is there's still a flash to the video's poster frame (as far as
I can tell).

But this is close.
let me test some more and see what I get.

Wow, if this works, I'll hug you.


Yeah, no matter what combo I try (i.e. initial image on slide background,
different video poster frame etc.) the best i get is a small flash between
when the video ends and the image appears. As best as I can tell it's a brief
flah of the video's poster frame. But if I change it to the video's final
frame then you see THAT flash briefly before the file plays.


BongoBox said:
Yeah, no matter what combo I try (i.e. initial image on slide background,
different video poster frame etc.) the best i get is a small flash between
when the video ends and the image appears. As best as I can tell it's a brief
flah of the video's poster frame. But if I change it to the video's final
frame then you see THAT flash briefly before the file plays.


What I have discovered is if you install the Office:mac 2004 Student
and Teacher Edition and do not install any updates then you will not
see the problem of video clips rewinding to the first frame.


Jim Gordon MVP


It might be a good idea to send this off to Microsoft using the Help menu of
PowerPoint (Send Feedback).

I'll see what I can do from the MVP side of things, but Microsoft listens to
customers first.

-Jim Gordon

What I have discovered is if you install the Office:mac 2004 Student
and Teacher Edition and do not install any updates then you will not
see the problem of video clips rewinding to the first frame.


Jim Gordon

MVPs are not Microsoft Employees
MVP info


Sadly I have the "pro" version, and no admin priviledges, so I'm stuck w/
what I got.

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