Playing around with Syntax


Hari Prasadh


Some problem with syntax below.

sub try()
dim sh as worksheet
Dim NameOfOSWorkbook As Workbook
Dim NameOfOEWorkbook As Workbook
NameOfOSWorkbook.Name = "Open end data (OS).xls"
NameOfOEWorkbook.Name = "Open end data (OE).xls"
For each sh in NameOfOSWorkbook
Call readingarrayofuniquewords(sh)
Next sh

End sub

Im getting -- Compile error : cant assign to read-only property-- at the
line -- NameOfOSWorkbook.Name = "Open end data (OS).xls"

Why am I getting the same. If possible please point out the flaw in my
understanding (When we could write a statement like -- -- then why not -- NameOfOSWorkbook.Name --

Basically I wanted to store a workbook's name in one place so that if it
changes I could change it at one place.

I have gotten around the above problem in another circuitous manner, given

Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim NameOfOSWorkbook As String
Dim NameOfOEWorkbook As String
NameOfOSWorkbook = "Open end data (OS).xls"
NameOfOEWorkbook = "Open end data (OE).xls"
For each sh in Workbooks(NameOfOSWorkbook)
Call readingarrayofuniquewords(sh)
Next sh

End sub

But now am getting -- compile error ByRef argument type mismatch -- in the
line Call readingarrayofuniquewords(sh). Basically I wanted to pass the name
of the worksheet sh. When I changed it to -- Call
readingarrayofuniquewords( -- things were fine.

Is there a more efficient way to code the above (I keep doing things by
trial and error).

Thanks a lot,


notice that error message
"Can not assign property to READ-ONLY"
is READ ONLY you can not assign it, as far as I know the only way to change
a workbook name is to use
method. Anyone else know of something else?

Hari Prasadh

Hi Ben,

Thnx for the reply.

Actually my intention was not to change the Name of the workbook. Rather I
want to store the name of the workbook in a String such as --
NameOfOSWorkbook -- and then through out my code whenever I wanted to refer
the workbook I wanted to use the name of the string -- NameOfOSWorkbook --
rather than using the actual name of the workbook.

This way if the workbook name changes I would have to change the code at one
line, which is to change the right hand side of the code --
NameOfOSWorkbook.Name = "Open end data (OS).xls" --

Ok, now I understand that NameOfOSWorkbook.Name is erroneous because it
implies changing name of the workbook.

So, does that mean the following is the ONLY way to reference a workbook
(NameOfOSWorkbook). Or is there a more efficient method?

Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim NameOfOSWorkbook As String
Dim NameOfOEWorkbook As String
NameOfOSWorkbook = "Open end data (OS).xls"
NameOfOEWorkbook = "Open end data (OE).xls"
For Each sh In Workbooks(NameOfOSWorkbook).Worksheets
Call readingarrayofuniquewords(
Next sh

Thanks a lot,

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