Playing movie clips in Powerpoint



I have multiple movie clips that are in WMP format that I want to play in a
presentation. They play just fine in Windows Media Player, they are in the
same folder as the presentation, I have tried reinserting them to make sure
that the presentation is pointing to the files correctly, and the
presentation plays PERFECTLY with the video clips on my husband's computer.
However, when I try to play the presentation on my computer and click on the
video clip, the video area just goes blank and does not play. I'M STUMPED!!!!
I spent 2 hours on the phone with the IT support guy where I work and he
couldn't figure it out, and the next step escalation team couldn't help as
they said it was outside of their jurisdiction. IDEAS?????


This didn't change anything... It was already in a very short path (on the
desktop) but I moved it to the C drive too and it's the same.


Thanks for the suggestion...but that didn't work either. I tried moving the
hardware acceleration one notch at a time, then all the way over to the left,
and it still had the same problem.

And for the other question, yes - the entire folder is on my desktop (and I
tried moving the entire folder to the C: drive according to Austin's

Any other ideas? This is the weirdest thing I have ever experienced with PP!

Austin Myers


You may be using a version of WMV that is not available on your machine.
(There are multiple versions of WMV formats. Explained in the tutorial.)

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

Provider of PFCMedia

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