Playing MPEGs in PowerPoint 2003



I have an MPEG file that plays correctly when I add it to a PowerPoint slide
using Office XP Small Business edition (PowerPoint 2002). However, when I
take the same same MPEG file and put it in a PowerPoint 2003 presention all I
get is a black box - no sound, no picture. However, when I check the timing
on the slide via presentation mode, it shows that the MPEG is playing. When
I insert the same MPEG as an Object it will play, but I can't get it to play
automatically via Custom Automation. If I convert the MPEG file to a WMV
file, it plays just fine in the PowerPoint slide. I would rather use the
MPEG version as the picture quality is better for the presenation. Does
anyone have any suggestions for getting MPEGs to play in PowerPoint 2003?


Don't know if this helps, but I have occasionally had trouble playing
MPEGs that resided on my company's network. The moment I drag them to
a local location (desktop) and reimport them, they play fine.

- Nolan

Echo S said:
I would start here:

Run through the test (Start/Run/mplay32.exe) described there. (Although you
really should read the whole thing, as it's very good to understand what's
happening "under the hood.")

If your video plays in mplay32.exe, but not in PPT, then head to for some things to try for

presenter, PPT Live '04
Oct 10-13, San Diego

nefjiner said:
I have an MPEG file that plays correctly when I add it to a PowerPoint slide
using Office XP Small Business edition (PowerPoint 2002). However, when I
take the same same MPEG file and put it in a PowerPoint 2003 presention all I
get is a black box - no sound, no picture. However, when I check the timing
on the slide via presentation mode, it shows that the MPEG is playing. When
I insert the same MPEG as an Object it will play, but I can't get it to play
automatically via Custom Automation. If I convert the MPEG file to a WMV
file, it plays just fine in the PowerPoint slide. I would rather use the
MPEG version as the picture quality is better for the presenation. Does
anyone have any suggestions for getting MPEGs to play in PowerPoint 2003?

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