playing with several languages



I work in several languages. Whenever I want to set the language for spelling
purposes, I have to wade through dozens of absurd variations (about a dozen
"different" French languages, which are really countries). I am nor learning
new languages every day, and so would like to simply check those languages I
use on a regular basis, and select only from those from now on. A similar
logic is offered by windows with keyboards for example.
Should be simple enough, but I generally feel that multi-lingual users are
not being paid much attention by designers and testers, whereas in fact
millions of people us 2 languages (often their own + English)

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I am 100% with you!
Thanks for posting on this issue.
I'm using English in ON almost as often as my native German.

It would be fully sufficient for me to just be able to select between
English (UK) and Deutsch (Deutschland). The language selection in the "pane"
is just awful. It's huge and simply cuts off too much space, especially on my
And when positioning the pane at the bottom, it's only partially functional
as the scrollbar is only partly visible.

The problem with language selection is directly connected to a serious
shortcoming with spellchecking:
1.) I need spellchecking enabled and showing errors when typing anything
(I'm know as the "TypoKing").
2.) Spellchecking can only be activated/deactivated for the whole of the ON
Unfortunatly it's not possible to activate it per *page*.
3.) When importing things from webpages in English, import looks terribly
when the the spellchecker's feature to show errors is activated.
So afetr each import of English stuuf, I have to mark the container and
change the language.

All in all a very bad situtuation which urgently needs being taken care of.
I had already posted numerous times during the Beta, but iobviously was too
late for the developers.

I simply am an ON-fanatic, but this issues bothers me day by day, hour by
hour :-( :-(


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