pleading template



I pulled up the pleading template for 28 lines and my text does not line up
with the numbers on the left side of the paper. Does anyone have any ideas
how to keep the text in line with the numbers?

Charles Kenyon

You need your lines set to exact spacing that matches what the line numbers
are set at.
Charles Kenyon

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How do I go about setting my lines to exact spacing. I don't know what the
line numbers are set at or how to even check to see what they are set at. I
usually use Word Perfect so Word in somewhat new for me. I have tried using
the Help feature but it is very vague.


Here's how you find out. Believe it or not, word treats the pleading as a
header/footer. So, open your document. Then go to View->Header/Footer
THen click on the area of your pleading. It will put a box highlight around
your pleading. Then, just highligt the first two numbers, say 1 and 2.
Then...while it is highlighted, either right click on the highlight and
choose Paragraph OR while it is highlighted go to Format then Paragraph.

On the popup that comes up, you will get information on the spacing. For
me, we use pleading and the spacing is exactly 22.75 points. It may be
different for you, but that is the way to find out this value.

As for spacing your type to match that value, let's use my example. Let's
say you do the above and find it to be 22.75. Okay, Now before you begin to
type just go to FOrmat, then Paragraph and change the setting on spacing to
match the 22.75 Exactly points. From that point on anytyhing you type will
match up exactly to your pleading. Good luck! :)

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