i need to produce a table in excel to do this with out me expanding it, what
i mean is i only have the first two colums and then it shoul dexpand it self
these are the conditions that my table sshould have:
1. the first row of the table should be the time intervals (I have already
defined my time interval increment, eg: dt=0.25 year)and the first colume
should start from time zero and the final time that I need to have calcuation
is 1.5 year.
so the first row look like this,
time(year) 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5
but the thing here is that i can drag the equation and it will be fine but I
should just have the first and second colume values and be able to expand it
self to 1.5 yr and after that stop,(depending on final time)
2.my second row should be my load increaments, but this also varies( in my
spread sheet I have defined, no change in load with zero, constant change
with one and abrupt change with 2. but I might have a constant change from 0
kpa to 40kpa from time interval of 0 to 0.5 yr, then at o.5 yr I have a
abrupt change of load and the load increase by 20 and then stay at 60kpa
untill 1.5yr.
how I can programm this?
3.then my third row is when z=0 (z refere to my soil depth, so when is zero
it means on the surface)
and the condition here is that when at time zero I apply a load of 0kpa or
40Kpa (what ever the value is then the value that it should put underneath
t=0 and infront of z=0 should be equal to that load). if the load change
constanlty or not changing the values in row 3, infront of the z=0 for other
time intervals should also be zero. the only case that it is not is when we
have a abrupt change at a time interval, in this case i need to say that do
two calcuation at this time, once the value should be before abrupt change
and once at the time time interval calculation with abrupt change .
eg: time(year) 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5
q(load, kpa) 40 40 40 40:60 60 60 60
z=0 40 0 0 0: 20 0 0 0
4. then I have defined that how many layers of soil I have, but I dont know
how i should apply it here so that for instance, I have four layers +my z=0
layer, I only did layer one how it could continue down four other rows and
apply the "formula" to calculate the space between, like this
time(year) 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5
q(load, kpa) 40 40 40 40:60 60 60 60
z=0 40 0 0 0: 20 0 0 0
z=1 use this formual here and do all calculation for the sapces
z=4do down like this and stop after it reaches the value that i have
already defined.
sorry i know its a long question but i would appriciate if you help me out.
i mean is i only have the first two colums and then it shoul dexpand it self
these are the conditions that my table sshould have:
1. the first row of the table should be the time intervals (I have already
defined my time interval increment, eg: dt=0.25 year)and the first colume
should start from time zero and the final time that I need to have calcuation
is 1.5 year.
so the first row look like this,
time(year) 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5
but the thing here is that i can drag the equation and it will be fine but I
should just have the first and second colume values and be able to expand it
self to 1.5 yr and after that stop,(depending on final time)
2.my second row should be my load increaments, but this also varies( in my
spread sheet I have defined, no change in load with zero, constant change
with one and abrupt change with 2. but I might have a constant change from 0
kpa to 40kpa from time interval of 0 to 0.5 yr, then at o.5 yr I have a
abrupt change of load and the load increase by 20 and then stay at 60kpa
untill 1.5yr.
how I can programm this?
3.then my third row is when z=0 (z refere to my soil depth, so when is zero
it means on the surface)
and the condition here is that when at time zero I apply a load of 0kpa or
40Kpa (what ever the value is then the value that it should put underneath
t=0 and infront of z=0 should be equal to that load). if the load change
constanlty or not changing the values in row 3, infront of the z=0 for other
time intervals should also be zero. the only case that it is not is when we
have a abrupt change at a time interval, in this case i need to say that do
two calcuation at this time, once the value should be before abrupt change
and once at the time time interval calculation with abrupt change .
eg: time(year) 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5
q(load, kpa) 40 40 40 40:60 60 60 60
z=0 40 0 0 0: 20 0 0 0
4. then I have defined that how many layers of soil I have, but I dont know
how i should apply it here so that for instance, I have four layers +my z=0
layer, I only did layer one how it could continue down four other rows and
apply the "formula" to calculate the space between, like this
time(year) 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5
q(load, kpa) 40 40 40 40:60 60 60 60
z=0 40 0 0 0: 20 0 0 0
z=1 use this formual here and do all calculation for the sapces
z=4do down like this and stop after it reaches the value that i have
already defined.
sorry i know its a long question but i would appriciate if you help me out.