I posted this question last Friday, but it has not appeared for some reason (could it be because I used back-slash? - have tried forward slash this time), so I will try again
I am confused about some temp files in my computer. Below is an example of what I have. My questions are
1. why are there so many temp files, eg C:temp, C:Windows/temp.
2. More particularly, why are there two temporary internet files, eg C:Windows/temp/temporary internet files and C:Windows/temporary internet file
3. Why, when I do a clean disk, it asks me if I want to delete temporary files - I say yes, yet in C:Windows/temp there are more than 1300 files
4.Is it safe to assume that I can delete everything in a temp file
5. What is the temp_2 file
I would be very grateful for your help
Thanks. Sve
C:/WUTemp (hidden file?
- Id
- Instal
- La
- mode
- soun
- vg
-(some examples below
- FrontPageDi
- Cookie
- Temporary Internet File
- - Content.IE
- Office Hotfi
- Word8.
- Excel8.
- Vb
- Setup_di
- plus a whole lot of things like ~df11d
C:/Windows/Temporary Internet File
- 572 files including cookie
- Class3CodeSigning2001 and Class3CodeSigningCA2001 (strange-looking icons
C:/Windows/uninstall-temp (blue sky and xmas trees icon
I am confused about some temp files in my computer. Below is an example of what I have. My questions are
1. why are there so many temp files, eg C:temp, C:Windows/temp.
2. More particularly, why are there two temporary internet files, eg C:Windows/temp/temporary internet files and C:Windows/temporary internet file
3. Why, when I do a clean disk, it asks me if I want to delete temporary files - I say yes, yet in C:Windows/temp there are more than 1300 files
4.Is it safe to assume that I can delete everything in a temp file
5. What is the temp_2 file
I would be very grateful for your help
Thanks. Sve
C:/WUTemp (hidden file?
- Id
- Instal
- La
- mode
- soun
- vg
-(some examples below
- FrontPageDi
- Cookie
- Temporary Internet File
- - Content.IE
- Office Hotfi
- Word8.
- Excel8.
- Vb
- Setup_di
- plus a whole lot of things like ~df11d
C:/Windows/Temporary Internet File
- 572 files including cookie
- Class3CodeSigning2001 and Class3CodeSigningCA2001 (strange-looking icons
C:/Windows/uninstall-temp (blue sky and xmas trees icon