Please help: Can not "Filter" forms in Runtime, only in Full Acces


Chris v.

I'm relatively new to Access 2007 and have written applications for a
non-porfit. When developing applications in Full Access, I can filter forms
by right-clicking a control, but in runtime the users can not filter. Has
this feature been disabled? Can I enable it? How? (One solution is out of the
question: They don't have the $ to purchase full Access for all the data
entry people and their managers.) Any suggestions?

Rick Brandt

I'm relatively new to Access 2007 and have written applications for a
non-porfit. When developing applications in Full Access, I can filter
forms by right-clicking a control, but in runtime the users can not
filter. Has this feature been disabled? Can I enable it? How? (One
solution is out of the question: They don't have the $ to purchase full
Access for all the data entry people and their managers.) Any

It is not that "filtering" is disabled in the runtime, it is that the
built-in right-click menus are. You have to provide your own.
Unfortunately while custom right-click menus were trivial to create in
older versions they are not in 2007.


You should be able to filter the form. Post the code where you are trying to
set the filter, please and a bit more detail on what and how you are doing it.

Chris v.

I don't have any "code." I don't know VBA -- but I've started reading a book!
On the form, I have the property "Allow filters" set to "Yes", but Runtime
seems to not have the filters available as in full Access 2007. Do I have to
write specific parameter queries for each field on the form? (Note: the
"right-click" filters on full Access are wonderful; with a variety of choices
for date fields, along with multiple choices in text boxes).

Albert D. Kallal

It is not that "filtering" is disabled in the runtime, it is that the
built-in right-click menus are. You have to provide your own.
Unfortunately while custom right-click menus were trivial to create in
older versions they are not in 2007.

Actually, right click menus in 2007 can be created with macros. I think for
new users, they likely find using a macro is less learning then building
right click menus in previous versions of ms-access.

For 2007, you go just crate a menu macro as:

Macro Name Action Command
Filter by Selection RunCommand FilterBySelection
Filter By Not Selection RunCommand FilterExcludingSelection
Remove Filter Runcommand RemoveFilterSort

Save the above as a macro called MyMenu

Now, create a macro that calls the above menu macro:

Action Menu Name Menu Macro name Status Bar text
AddMenu MyRightClick MyMenu My Edit

save the above macro as say mEdit

Then, in the forms property sheet, in the "other" table, simply set the
shortcut menu as mEdit

You are done!

That form will now have filtering in the runtime.

So we only written 4 lines of macro code, and we have a filtering "right
click" context menu. I think most new users did struggle with the old menu
customize feature, especially when trying to build a right menu. So, perhaps
the old system was easier for some, but hey, the above is not a too hard of
an solution...

And, for adding cut + paste to the above, we could go:

Macro Name Action Command
Cut RunCommand Cut
Copy RunCommand Copy
Paste RunCommand Paste
Filter by Selection RunCommand FilterBySelection
Filter By Not Selection RunCommand FilterExcludingSelection
Remove Filter Runcommand RemoveFilterSort

A_Li_N Way

I've gotten this menu to work as you've described (as well as other things), but is it possible to have an entry that toggles the default FiltersMenu on the selection?

The menu I'm talking about, just to be clear, is located in 'full' access by going to Home - Filters and Sorts - big Filter button, which will toggle the FiltersMenu on the currently selected field.

I know the menu exists in run-time, as I've create a menu bar with the button and it works exactly as it should. The only problem is that I cannot for the life of me figure out how to make a macro that does the same.

Any help on that matter would be greatly appreciated!

Albert D. Kallal wrote:

Re: Please help: Can not "Filter" forms in Runtime, only in Full Acces

Actually, right click menus in 2007 can be created with macros. I think fo
new users, they likely find using a macro is less learning then buildin
right click menus in previous versions of ms-access

For 2007, you go just crate a menu macro as

Macro Name Action Comman
Filter by Selection RunCommand FilterBySelectio
Filter By Not Selection RunCommand FilterExcludingSelectio
Remove Filter Runcommand RemoveFilterSor

Save the above as a macro called MyMen

Now, create a macro that calls the above menu macro

Action Menu Name Menu Macro name Status Bar tex
AddMenu MyRightClick MyMenu My Edi

save the above macro as say mEdi

Then, in the forms property sheet, in the "other" table, simply set th
shortcut menu as mEdi

You are done

That form will now have filtering in the runtime

So we only written 4 lines of macro code, and we have a filtering "righ
click" context menu. I think most new users did struggle with the old men
customize feature, especially when trying to build a right menu. So, perhap
the old system was easier for some, but hey, the above is not a too hard o
an solution..

And, for adding cut + paste to the above, we could go

Macro Name Action Comman
Cut RunCommand Cu
Copy RunCommand Cop
Paste RunCommand Past
Filter by Selection RunCommand FilterBySelectio
Filter By Not Selection RunCommand FilterExcludingSelectio
Remove Filter Runcommand RemoveFilterSor

Albert D. Kallal (Access MVP
Edmonton, Alberta Canad
(e-mail address removed)

Previous Posts In This Thread:

Please help: Can not "Filter" forms in Runtime, only in Full Acces
I am relatively new to Access 2007 and have written applications for
non-porfit. When developing applications in Full Access, I can filter form
by right-clicking a control, but in runtime the users can not filter. Ha
this feature been disabled? Can I enable it? How? (One solution is out of th
question: They do not have the $ to purchase full Access for all the dat
entry people and their managers.) Any suggestions?

You can't do everything in runtime that you can with the full version.
You cannot do everything in runtime that you can with the full version. No
in 2003 or in 2007


Chris v. wrote

Message posted via

You should be able to filter the form.
You should be able to filter the form. Post the code where you are trying t
set the filter, please and a bit more detail on what and how you are doing it
Dave Hargis, Microsoft Access MV


I don't have any "code." I don't know VBA -- but I've started reading a book!
I do not have any "code." I do not know VBA -- but I have started reading a book
On the form, I have the property "Allow filters" set to "Yes", but Runtim
seems to not have the filters available as in full Access 2007. Do I have to
write specific parameter queries for each field on the form? (Note: the
"right-click" filters on full Access are wonderful; with a variety of choices
for date fields, along with multiple choices in text boxes).

Re: Please help: Can not "Filter" forms in Runtime, only in Full Acces
It is not that "filtering" is disabled in the runtime, it is that the
built-in right-click menus are. You have to provide your own.
Unfortunately while custom right-click menus were trivial to create in
older versions they are not in 2007.

Rick Brandt, Microsoft Access MVP
Email (as appropriate) to...
RBrandt at Hunter dot com

Runtime disable that feature by default so that your user will not mess upyour
Runtime disable that feature by default so that your user will not mess up
your forms. You'll have to create your own custom filtering. Take a look at
Allen Browne site on this.

Chris v. wrote:

Please Rate the posting if helps you.

Re: Please help: Can not "Filter" forms in Runtime, only in Full Acces
Actually, right click menus in 2007 can be created with macros. I think for
new users, they likely find using a macro is less learning then building
right click menus in previous versions of ms-access.

For 2007, you go just crate a menu macro as:

Macro Name Action Command
Filter by Selection RunCommand FilterBySelection
Filter By Not Selection RunCommand FilterExcludingSelection
Remove Filter Runcommand RemoveFilterSort

Save the above as a macro called MyMenu

Now, create a macro that calls the above menu macro:

Action Menu Name Menu Macro name Status Bar text
AddMenu MyRightClick MyMenu My Edit

save the above macro as say mEdit

Then, in the forms property sheet, in the "other" table, simply set the
shortcut menu as mEdit

You are done!

That form will now have filtering in the runtime.

So we only written 4 lines of macro code, and we have a filtering "right
click" context menu. I think most new users did struggle with the old menu
customize feature, especially when trying to build a right menu. So, perhaps
the old system was easier for some, but hey, the above is not a too hard of
an solution...

And, for adding cut + paste to the above, we could go:

Macro Name Action Command
Cut RunCommand Cut
Copy RunCommand Copy
Paste RunCommand Paste
Filter by Selection RunCommand FilterBySelection
Filter By Not Selection RunCommand FilterExcludingSelection
Remove Filter Runcommand RemoveFilterSort

Albert D. Kallal (Access MVP)
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
(e-mail address removed)

Thanks for this Albert. Didn't know it and it is definately useful.
Thanks for this Albert. Didn't know it and it is definately useful.


Albert D. Kallal wrote:


Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
SQL Server nText insert / update

A_Li_N Way

So I've been working on this to see if I could get it to work...I've found a workaround that works.

I've create a Module (RightClick) and a Function inside the module (FiltersMenu). The code of the Function is simply this:
CommandBars.ExecuteMso ("FiltersMenu")

This will run the default 'code' that opens the FiltersMenu MSO. I then create a row in my Right Click macro as follows:
Macro Name = Filter and Sort (this can be anything, of course)
Action = RunCode
Arguments = FiltersMenu()

My next question is:
Is this the only and/or correct way to be doing this? Or is there a more direct/correct way that keeps it all in the Macro?

A_Li_N Way wrote:


I've gotten this menu to work as you've described (as well as other things), but is it possible to have an entry that toggles the default FiltersMenu on the selection?

The menu I'm talking about, just to be clear, is located in 'full' access by going to Home - Filters and Sorts - big Filter button, which will toggle the FiltersMenu on the currently selected field.

I know the menu exists in run-time, as I've create a menu bar with the button and it works exactly as it should. The only problem is that I cannot for the life of me figure out how to make a macro that does the same.

Any help on that matter would be greatly appreciated!

Previous Posts In This Thread:

Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
Silverlight 2: Doing Data Part VII: Custom Binary Serialization

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