----- Roger Carlson wrote: -----
You need to create a form. Let's call it frmSelectProject. On this form,
you have a combo box (cboProjects) and a button. You also have a query
named qryMyProjects. The code behind the button looks something like this:
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryMyProjects", acNormal, acEdit
In the criteria of the Projects column in the query, put
Now, when you open the form, you can select a project and click the button
and it will open the query to that project.
On my website, (see sig below), there is a small sample database called
"ParaQuerySelect.mdb" which illustrates this.
--Roger Carlson
Reply to: Roger dot Carlson at Spectrum-Health dot Org
Amy M said:
Please help! I would like to create a custom dialog box that looks
values in a table with the control on the form as a combo box. Then I want
to use the value I select from the combo box as criteria for a query. I have
found a help topic that describes how to do this if I were typing in my
value into the dialog box, but I want it to choose values from a list.
Example: When I open a report I want a dialog box to prompt me with the
question "Which Project?". I want to choose the project for which I want to
run the report from a combo box based on my table where all my project
names are stored.