Hi, Alexander,
To know how to remove that particular page, you need to figure out what's
causing Word to create it. Here are some possibilities to look for.
- A hard page break, which will be visible in Normal view as a dotted line
containing the words "Page Break".
- A Next Page, Even Page, or Odd Page Section Break, also visible in Normal
- Lots of empty paragraph marks, visible when you turn on nonprinting
characters by pressing in the ¶ button on the toolbar.
- A paragraph (the first one on the next page) marked with the paragraph
formatting "Page break before", either directly or through a style.
- A large paragraph marked with the paragraph formatting "Keep together".
- One or many paragraphs marked with the paragraph formatting "Keep with
- A text box or drawing shape, possibly empty and with no border or shading,
and with text wrapping turned on.
- (Unlikely) A corrupted document (see