Please help! Footnote Continuation Notice Problems in Word X


Ron Tavalin


I am writing my thesis for my master's degree and the school
absolutely will not accept any thesis that has a footnote continuation
notice of any kind in any footnote under any circumstances. I've tried
switching in Word to normal view, selecting View - Footnotes and
Footnote Continuation Notice and deleting it (can't do it, for some
reason it is a apparently MUST HAVE feature), so I've tried reducing
it to 1 point font and coloring it white - but this makes no
difference when I print it or switch back to page view. I've also
tried making it a period, reducing it to 1 point and making it white -
but this has no effect either. I still have a regular size blank line
separating my Footnote Separator Line from my footnote when the
footnote is carried over to the next page.

The document fellow at my school seems to think that I can adjust the
gap between the footnote separator and the bottom paragraph text in
the main body. When I reach the end of a chapter in my thesis, I need
to have the footnote separator rise up as far as possible from the
bottom of the page to be just beneath the last line of text in the
main body, rather than way down the age at the bottom with a large gap
of nothing in between them. How do you do this?

I am using Word X (service release 1 with all of the latest patches
applied and Panther 10.3.3).

Please help - my master's degree has become a priority for me


Ron T.

Dayo Mitchell

Hi Ron,

There is no built-in Footnote Continuation Notice--Word has the option but
it is blank by default. The Footnote Continuation Separator produces the
line across the entire page. Neither of these are must-have options, Word
lets you delete them with no problem. So I suspect that you accidentally
got a FCN and now you are trying to delete the wrong thing, you need to edit
the FCS to be a line the same length as the Footnote Separator.

Under Insert | Footnote, Options..., you can set footnotes to "beneath text"
instead of "bottom of page" but I think this will have to apply to every
page and might make some not-quite-full page look a little iffy. Click Close
instead of OK to save the settings without inserting a footnote.

Hope that helps,

Ron Tavalin


Thank you for your response. By "Footnote Continuation Notice" I mean
the blank line (carriage return?) that appears above any footnote that
is continued onto the next page. I cannot have a blank line between
any footnote and the separator line and I cannot get rid of this blank

I apologize if I wasn't clear, but I simply need to have a footnote
continue onto the next page with the footnote separator IMMEDIATELY
above the footnote itself on the continued page with no line, break,
or anything else.

Your other point regarding the placement of the footnote text (bottom
of page or beneath text) was spot on, thanks for the help!


Dayo Mitchell

Hi Ron,

What do you mean by
blank line between
any footnote and the separator line
That does not exist for me. If you delete all the separator lines, you are
still stuck with an empty paragraph mark (aka blank line or carriage return)
above the footnotes, but the separator lines take the place of that empty
paragraph in normal practice.

It will be much easier to see what is going on with your document if you
have nonprinting characters turned on. Click ¶ on the standard toolbar, and
gray characters will appear to denote spaces, etc, ¶ for the paragraph mark.
I suspect you already have this on, but just making sure.

Do you want to send me a few pages from your document so I can look at it?
I cannot have a blank line between
any footnote and the separator line and I cannot get rid of this blank
That line is *not* the FCN (which appears at the end of part 1 of a
footnote) and should not exist.

Wait, it suddenly came to me! I bet you have accidentally added an extra
line to your Footnote Separator. Try editing that.


Ron Tavalin

Hi again,

I did not read your posting close enough - Thank you for your help -
there was an extra carriage return in the footnote separator itself.
Deleted it, problem went away.

Thanks again!


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