Please Help!: Horrible confusion using Outlook2003 and Entouragefor same accounts!


Bill Weylock

I have been at my Mac all day with my newly set up Outlook2003 running away
happily on the same network.

Both Entourage and Outlook2003 have the same email accounts.

Today I did not receive piles of critical mail on my Mac.

Is Outlook somehow telling Entourage that mail on my server is ³Read² when
Entourage has not yet ³seen² it?

I have my main Entourage account set up to allow ³online access,² so I can
see that the missing mail is there, but it is all greyed out showing I have
read it already. Is that because I have the two computers on the same
network or something??

Could someone please help me sort this out. I¹m going to get into big
trouble if email gets screwed up.

Oh. All are POP accounts. All are private domain addresses, and most are my
own. One belongs to another company I collaborate with on some projects.


If you really know this stuff and can tell me what to do, I would be so
happy to call you.

I¹d give my email address, but what good would that do? :)

Just in case it is (e-mail address removed).

Oh, and there are no foos in my email address.



- Bill

Office 2004
Windows XP Pro SP2
Office 2003
G5 1.8Ghz (single)
ThinkPad T40
Treo 650

Bill Weylock

Problem is on the Windows side I¹m sure. I just need to adjust one of the
407 wingnuts attached to every preference in Outlook.


I have been at my Mac all day with my newly set up Outlook2003 running away
happily on the same network.

Both Entourage and Outlook2003 have the same email accounts.

Today I did not receive piles of critical mail on my Mac.

Is Outlook somehow telling Entourage that mail on my server is ³Read² when
Entourage has not yet ³seen² it?

I have my main Entourage account set up to allow ³online access,² so I can see
that the missing mail is there, but it is all greyed out showing I have read
it already. Is that because I have the two computers on the same network or

Could someone please help me sort this out. I¹m going to get into big trouble
if email gets screwed up.

Oh. All are POP accounts. All are private domain addresses, and most are my
own. One belongs to another company I collaborate with on some projects.


If you really know this stuff and can tell me what to do, I would be so happy
to call you.

I¹d give my email address, but what good would that do? :)

Just in case it is (e-mail address removed).

Oh, and there are no foos in my email address.



- Bill

Office 2004
Windows XP Pro SP2
Office 2003
G5 1.8Ghz (single)
ThinkPad T40
Treo 650

Tiger 10.4.7
Office 2004
Windows XP Pro SP2
Office 2003
G5 1.8Ghz (single)
ThinkPad T40
Treo 650

Barry Wainwright [MVP]

If both computers are accessing POP accounts, then I would expect to see
what you describe.

POP mail is normally downloaded to a client computer, then deleted from the
server. That¹s the way POP is meant to work. The first computer to download
the mail & deletes it, so when the second computer connects there is nothing
there. To keep mail on the server so it is accessible to more than one
computer you would normally use an IMAP or Exchange account.

There is another way, though. In both entourage and Outlook, in the account
settings you can set them both to Œleave mail on server for xx days¹. Then,
as long as Œxx days¹ is longer than the maximum time between connections for
both computers, both machines will download the same messages.

Barry Wainwright
Microsoft MVP (see for details)
Check out the Entourage User's WebLog for hints, tips and troubleshooting

From: Bill Weylock <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 06 Jul 2006 14:27:06 -0700
Conversation: Please Help!: Horrible confusion using Outlook2003 and
Entourage for same accounts!
Subject: Please Help!: Horrible confusion using Outlook2003 and Entourage
for same accounts!

I have been at my Mac all day with my newly set up Outlook2003 running away
happily on the same network.

Both Entourage and Outlook2003 have the same email accounts.

Today I did not receive piles of critical mail on my Mac.

Is Outlook somehow telling Entourage that mail on my server is ³Read² when
Entourage has not yet ³seen² it?

I have my main Entourage account set up to allow ³online access,² so I can
see that the missing mail is there, but it is all greyed out showing I have
read it already. Is that because I have the two computers on the same
network or something??

Could someone please help me sort this out. I¹m going to get into big
trouble if email gets screwed up.

Oh. All are POP accounts. All are private domain addresses, and most are my
own. One belongs to another company I collaborate with on some projects.


If you really know this stuff and can tell me what to do, I would be so
happy to call you.

I¹d give my email address, but what good would that do? :)

Just in case it is (e-mail address removed).

Oh, and there are no foos in my email address.



- Bill

Office 2004
Windows XP Pro SP2
Office 2003
G5 1.8Ghz (single)
ThinkPad T40
Treo 650

Bill Weylock

Barry -

Thanks, but I¹m very experienced managing POP accounts. All software is
always set to leave mail on server. It¹s the only way I¹ve been able to
operate all these years. I keep it there for at least 45 days. That way my
notebook always catches up to email whenever I fire it up.

The problem is not with deleting mail. The problem is with marking it READ,
which has never occurred before. Eudora can run on both computers and will
still view server items as NOT READ if they have not been downloaded to the
particular machine.

Does Outlook2003 behave differently, is the question. I know there are
people on here who have to use Windows sometimes. Hoping someone has
wrestled with Outlook before.



- Bill

If both computers are accessing POP accounts, then I would expect to see what
you describe.

POP mail is normally downloaded to a client computer, then deleted from the
server. That¹s the way POP is meant to work. The first computer to download
the mail & deletes it, so when the second computer connects there is nothing
there. To keep mail on the server so it is accessible to more than one
computer you would normally use an IMAP or Exchange account.

There is another way, though. In both entourage and Outlook, in the account
settings you can set them both to Œleave mail on server for xx days¹. Then, as
long as Œxx days¹ is longer than the maximum time between connections for both
computers, both machines will download the same messages.

Tiger 10.4.7
Office 2004
Windows XP Pro SP2
Office 2003
G5 1.8Ghz (single)
ThinkPad T40
Treo 650

Barry Wainwright [MVP]

I use outlook as well as Entourage, but Outlook only runs as an exchange
client, I have no experience of how well/badly it handles POP mail.

However, I would have thought that the Œmark as read¹ function would only be
a local cache inside the client machine ­ I¹m not aware that POP servers
have any mechanism for meta-data to determine what has or hasn¹t been read

Barry Wainwright
Microsoft MVP (see for details)
Check out the Entourage User's WebLog for hints, tips and troubleshooting

From: Bill Weylock <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2006 07:27:54 -0700
Conversation: Please Help!: Horrible confusion using Outlook2003 and
Entourage for same accounts!
Subject: Re: Please Help!: Horrible confusion using Outlook2003 and
Entourage for same accounts!

Barry -

Thanks, but I¹m very experienced managing POP accounts. All software is
always set to leave mail on server. It¹s the only way I¹ve been able to
operate all these years. I keep it there for at least 45 days. That way my
notebook always catches up to email whenever I fire it up.

The problem is not with deleting mail. The problem is with marking it READ,
which has never occurred before. Eudora can run on both computers and will
still view server items as NOT READ if they have not been downloaded to the
particular machine.

Does Outlook2003 behave differently, is the question. I know there are
people on here who have to use Windows sometimes. Hoping someone has
wrestled with Outlook before.



- Bill

If both computers are accessing POP accounts, then I would expect to see what
you describe.

POP mail is normally downloaded to a client computer, then deleted from the
server. That¹s the way POP is meant to work. The first computer to download
the mail & deletes it, so when the second computer connects there is nothing
there. To keep mail on the server so it is accessible to more than one
computer you would normally use an IMAP or Exchange account.

There is another way, though. In both entourage and Outlook, in the account
settings you can set them both to Œleave mail on server for xx days¹. Then, as
long as Œxx days¹ is longer than the maximum time between connections for both
computers, both machines will download the same messages.

Tiger 10.4.7
Office 2004
Windows XP Pro SP2
Office 2003
G5 1.8Ghz (single)
ThinkPad T40
Treo 650

Jeff Zienowicz

I use outlook as well as Entourage, but Outlook only runs as an exchange
client, I have no experience of how well/badly it handles POP mail.

However, I would have thought that the Œmark as read¹ function would only be a
local cache inside the client machine ­ I¹m not aware that POP servers have
any mechanism for meta-data to determine what has or hasn¹t been read

That certainly makes sense, and it¹s how I always assumed it worked too.
However, I have seen this same behavior before. In nearly all
circumstances, my POP mail could be downloaded by multiple clients and would
show as unread on all of them. The combination of Entourage and Mailsmith
downloading the same messages, however, produced the same results Bill was
seeing ‹ mail would download to the second client but show as read. If I
recall correctly, it was happening when I downloaded with Entourage first,
then Mailsmith.

There must be a way that some POP clients are able to (but probably
shouldn¹t be) changing the status of the message on the server in such a way
that a subsequent client sees it as ³new² but ³read.²

Donald L McDaniel

If both computers are accessing POP accounts, then I would expect to see
what you describe.

POP mail is normally downloaded to a client computer, then deleted from the
server. That¹s the way POP is meant to work. The first computer to download
the mail & deletes it, so when the second computer connects there is nothing
there. To keep mail on the server so it is accessible to more than one
computer you would normally use an IMAP or Exchange account.

There is another way, though. In both entourage and Outlook, in the account
settings you can set them both to Œleave mail on server for xx days¹. Then,
as long as Œxx days¹ is longer than the maximum time between connections for
both computers, both machines will download the same messages.

Or, simply set both Entourage and Outlook to leave a copy of the email
on the server. Much simpler.


Donald L McDaniel
Please reply to the original thread.

Matt Wilbur

Like you, I don't have much experience using Outlook with POP3 but ..
wanted to clarify one thing. The Read/Unread status CAN be set by the
client, on the server.. If you open a mail downloaded by POP, if it has
a UIDL (or X-UIDL?) header, it means it was marked as "downloaded". It
stores this in the mail itself on the server. (When you set the client
to keep mail on server for N days, it decides how to handle a mail by
comparing the current date to the information in the UIDL header)..

So it may be that Outlook is marking them as read while Entourage isn't.
(this is yet another reason why IMAP > pop3 :)

My (foggy) recollection is that marking as read is actually expected
behavior once its been downloaded, regardless of whether mail's left on
server or not..

Sorry I can't be of more help..

Matt Wilbur

Matt Wilbur

(hope no one minds my top-posting but)

I couldn't resist and did a little catching up on UIDL.

This explains it pretty well, and unfortunately their recommendation is
to switch to imap .. (would be mine as well)..

Exchange supports IMAP well, and if your mail server isn't Exchange,
there are lots of great IMAP servers around..


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