Please help! I can't believe this is so difficult:-)

  • Thread starter philip.langley@
  • Start date


Hi all

I'm a newbie here and would really appreciate a bit of help. It will
take about a nanosecond for the person who knows the answer!

I've attached a simple spreadsheet with 2 worksheets. In ws1 there is
some sales data, in 7 columns. One of these is a calendar month/year.
eg June-05. That is the month in which an invoice is to be raised.

Let's assume that ws2 is to be the invoicing month of, say Sep-05. All
I want is to have it so that, when I enter a sales record in ws1, and
the invoicing month happens to be Sep 05, it automatically copies all
of the 7 columns of data, for that record, into that forward invoicing
month worksheet. Hence, at any time, if I look at any invoicing month
worksheet, the data's already there.

I can't believe that this isn't ridiculously simple, but I'm just
totally stuck :mad:

Please help :confused:

Many thanks


|Filename: sample sales |
|Download: |

Bob Phillips

Nobody in their right minds will open an attachment. Describe the data in
detail and exactly what you want.


Bob Phillips



Column 1 Client
Column 2 Sale value
Column 3 Month of sale (month+year)
Column 4 month of invoice

There's other stuff but it's not salient.

In the current month, I gather and input these details about the sales,
as the month progresses. At present, I copy/paste the details for a
given sale into another worksheet, for the INVOICE month. So for
example, I make a sale in June which is to be invoiced in August. I
want to be able to enter the data in once (at the time of sale - June)
and, if I look at the worksheet for the August invoices, then the
details of that sale are already there, without me having ot copy/paste
them into there.

Does that make sense?


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