Please Help. Index!



I am still having problems 'inserting' an index.

I have marked all the terms, but the index will not
insert. If it does, it doesn't cover all marked items.
Only the first 20 pages or so of 180 page document.

PLEASE HELP! Or inform me where I can find help.


Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hi Ann,
I am still having problems 'inserting' an index.

I have marked all the terms, but the index will not
insert. If it does, it doesn't cover all marked items.
Only the first 20 pages or so of 180 page document.

PLEASE HELP! Or inform me where I can find help.

Word's online-help isn't too bad in that respect: look for the INDEX
field code and read up what's written there. Then have a look at the
INDEX code you are inserting (Tools | Options | View: field codes or hit
Alt F9). Maybe there's a switch in there that "indexes" only for a
particular bookmark? Or your XE-fields on pages 20 and onward are not in
the main text area, but in text boxes, for instance ...?


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