PLEASE HELP.....List Box Search Form

  • Thread starter kbrad28 via
  • Start date

kbrad28 via

I have used a sample listbox search form from another database that will
allow you to type and it automatically start listing records that correspond
to that particular letter or letters.

My problem is this...Once I click my record search button the search form
open as it should, but when I type in the text field nothing happens. WHAT AM
I DOING WRONG??? My code for the text field(search field) and for the list
box. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Private Sub lstResults_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_btnSelect_Click

If Not IsNull(Me![lstResults].Column(0)) Then
lngRecipeIDSelect = Me![lstResults].Column(0)
End If
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Number
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub txtRecipeName_Change()
Dim txtSearchString As Variant
Dim strSQL As String

txtSearchString = Me![txtRecipeName].Text

strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCTROW tblRecipes.RecipeID, tblRecipes.RecipeName,
FROM tblPeople "
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE ((tblRecipes.RecipeName) Like '" &
txtSearchString & "*')"
strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY tblRecipes.RecipeName"

Me!lstResults.RowSource = strSQL

End Sub


Ray Cacciatore

Try adding a txtSearchString.Recalc or a txtSearchString.Requery before the

txtSearchString = Me![txtRecipeName].Text

I had a problem once where the textbox wasn't refreshed with the new value
before any code ran.


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