Tanya Myatt
Hey there, I am currently trying to implement the use of a
userform so that a clinician can "fill in the blanks" so
to speak on a userform for simple items like client name,
tests used, severity level of child's speech and langauge
development. I was thinking of doing this with bookmarks
in the template and then having the userform link the
entries to all these bookmarks so that it is a matter of
just entering and then the items get plopped where the
bookmarks are. I attempted this but I keep getting a
compile error and as I truly have no clue what I am doing
yet I was wondering if someone could direct me to "ready-
made code" or at least help me with my little code...
Anyhelp is appreciated.... The following is what I
attempted... lol....
When I run it in my template where the codes are, the
userform comes up but when I go to execute the command
button it says "Compile error: Method or data member not
found". What does this mean? What can I do to fix it??
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
With ActiveDocument
.InsertBefore child
.InsertBefore refsour
End With
End Sub
userform so that a clinician can "fill in the blanks" so
to speak on a userform for simple items like client name,
tests used, severity level of child's speech and langauge
development. I was thinking of doing this with bookmarks
in the template and then having the userform link the
entries to all these bookmarks so that it is a matter of
just entering and then the items get plopped where the
bookmarks are. I attempted this but I keep getting a
compile error and as I truly have no clue what I am doing
yet I was wondering if someone could direct me to "ready-
made code" or at least help me with my little code...
Anyhelp is appreciated.... The following is what I
attempted... lol....
When I run it in my template where the codes are, the
userform comes up but when I go to execute the command
button it says "Compile error: Method or data member not
found". What does this mean? What can I do to fix it??
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
With ActiveDocument
.InsertBefore child
.InsertBefore refsour
End With
End Sub