Russ via AccessMonster.com
Found this code to play MIDI, WAV, or AVI files at the following URL ...
But having problems with this code (well at least what I want it to do)
Private Sub cmdPlayAvi_Click()
Dim a As Long
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim dbname As String
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
dbname = cnn.Properties("data source")
MyPath= getpath(dbname) & "\AVI\demo.avi" 'tried this but did not do the
a = fPlayStuff("C:\Documents and Settings\Russell\Desktop\RRDW My Database\
End Sub
'problem seems to be that there are spaces between the names of the folders i.
e. Documents and Settings
'I figured someone always moves the database so I do not want to hard code it.
'any suggestions
But having problems with this code (well at least what I want it to do)
Private Sub cmdPlayAvi_Click()
Dim a As Long
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim dbname As String
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
dbname = cnn.Properties("data source")
MyPath= getpath(dbname) & "\AVI\demo.avi" 'tried this but did not do the
a = fPlayStuff("C:\Documents and Settings\Russell\Desktop\RRDW My Database\
End Sub
'problem seems to be that there are spaces between the names of the folders i.
e. Documents and Settings
'I figured someone always moves the database so I do not want to hard code it.
'any suggestions