Please help me with "IF" cell formula



I have one worksheet that pulls the hours worked from 2 employees that are
salary and they must work 50 hrs per week, but are paided at a 40 hour week
pay scale. I am pulling their daily time from the first work sheet (every
week the time hours worked per day can change) so say if one worked 10 hrs on
Monday of week 1, and 5 hours on Monday on week 2) So I need a formula that
I can set in all the cells being pulled from that weeks hours worked
worksheet that can remain showing the following:

if the cell shows Zero make the cell to show Zero
if the cell shows a number greater than 8 show 8
if the cell shows less than 8 but not Zero show 8

is it possible to do that formula that will remain there for each week's
input of hours in each cell, since they are always working different hours
per day and off different days per the week worked?

Please can someone help me???

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