PLEASE HELP!!Messy numbering



I tried going through all your threads to see if this question was answered
before, but I couldn't find anything. I'm creating "chapters" in Word, with
outline numbering. (Word 2003). However, Word quits midway in keep all the
numbering continuous. This is how it looks: (there is plenty of text between
each heading level)
Chapter 5 (Heading 1)
5.1 (Heading 2)
5.1.1 (Heading 3) (Heading 4)
However, by the time I reach 5.4, it looks like this:
and then continues to be 5.4.1 for the rest of the document (numbering
doesn't change to 5.5). I tried everything recommended on Shauna Kelly's
site, (restart numbering, keep with previous et al), but nothing helps.

Any recommendations? Thank you so much in advance.


Hi Stefan,

I tried CTRL+Q on the troubled paras, nothing seems to happen--I see a
little icon at the bottom (like Word is saving) the moment i hit Ctrl Q, but
the numbering remains just where it was. Now it looks like (before I hit Ctrl
Q) that Heading Level 4 is what seems to be the "sick" one--it's reading as throughout the document without any regard to any number before or
after it!!

Thanks in advance for any help you can give,

Suzanne S. Barnhill

It's possible that Level 4 somehow has plain text numbers instead of number
fields in the Format | Bullets and Numbering dialog.


Hi Suzanne,

Yes you are right, there seem to be plain text numbers at Heading Level 4.
Unfortunately, when I do try to change it to number fields, it goes back to
default ( Even if "Keep with previous level", etc. is on. Is there a
way to solve this problem?

Thank you so much.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

First of all, assuming you have your outline numbering set up according to, then you
will be going into the Bullets and Numbering dialog through Format | Style
for the Level 1 numbered style (presumed to be Heading 1). The numbers that
you see in the "Number format" box may well all be 1s, but when you have
corrected the numbering and go back into the document, your numbering should
be correct. If it's not, pressing Ctrl+Q in the paragraph should set things

I assume you know how to recreate the numbering for Level 4? It's a tedious
process to describe but fairly simple to perform. You have to clear the
entire box, then select Level 1 in the "Previous level number list," type a
period, select Level 2, another period, Level 3, another period, then select
1, 2, 3 as the "Number style" and add a final period. The numbers displayed
in the box should all be 1s; the numbers displayed in the example may (but
will not necessarily) reflect the numbering at the insertion point.


Hi Suzanne,

Yes, I had all the numbering created as per the instructions on the webpage
given (I found the webpage on some of the previous threads). While Heading 4
works now per the instructions you gave, Heading 3 has gone for a toss. Now
1. (Heading1)
1.2 (Heading 2)
2.1.1 (Heading 3) (Heading 4).

Sorry to be such a pain for you guys. Thanks.

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