In spreadsheet Book 2
Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E
Column F
Name Rates Address City
Zip Code
Jane Doe 76.76 555 North Dear Born Chicago 55555
Ray Cohen 12.11 2 North Dear Born Chicago 1
In book 3 I want drop down menus for columns A, C, D, E,F from the info of
book 2.
When I choose the name in column A in book 3 i want the rates to pop
Ex when I choose Jane Doe i want her rate to pop automaically as 76.76.
Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E
Column F
Name Rates Address City
Zip Code
Jane Doe 76.76 555 North Dear Born Chicago 55555
Ray Cohen 12.11 2 North Dear Born Chicago 1
In book 3 I want drop down menus for columns A, C, D, E,F from the info of
book 2.
When I choose the name in column A in book 3 i want the rates to pop
Ex when I choose Jane Doe i want her rate to pop automaically as 76.76.