Please Help Vlookup



new to the site, so just wanna say hi to everyone first! how u all doin
hope allot beter then me. you see ive got my alevel project to hand i
, and i need some serious help with a vlookup. hope someone ca
help.need someone to help!

basically i want a vlook up that looks up from 2 sheets. this may soun
simple but read on.! currently my vlookup formula looks like this:

=VLOOKUP(A12,'Warehouse Products'!A14:B18,2,0)

so it is looking up the information from the warehouse product sheet
however i also want it to look not only from the warehouse sheet bu
also the delivery sheet. so if metal was enterd in A12 then if woul
get the price from the delivery sheet. however if wood was entered i
A12 it would get the price from warehouse sheet. the information canno
go on the single sheet as i would have to re-design my whole system
42 pages worth. i do not have the time to do that.

so its looking up the information from 2 sheets sumthing like:

=VLOOKUP(A12,'Warehouse Products:Delivery Products'!A14:B17,2,0)

now it is supossdly looking up the information from both - delivery an
warehouse products. but it does not work! please please help. is i
possible? the text being looked up is normal text and i have not use
any conditioning or formating

Norman Harker

Hi Studinuk!

Give a sample of your data entry in A12

What tells me it's wood or metal?

If you had "wood" or "metal" in (eg) G12 you could use something like:

=VLOOKUP(A12,IF(G12="wood",'Warehouse Products'!$A$14:$B$18,'Delivery

Note that I've put absolute references on your tables as this
facilitates copying down.
Norman Harker MVP (Excel)
Sydney, Australia
(e-mail address removed)
Excel and Word Function Lists (Classifications, Syntax and Arguments)
available free to good homes.

Dave Peterson

Does this mean that the value you put in A12 only appears on the Warehouse
worksheet or the Delivery worksheet?

If yes, then you can look for one. If you find it, stop. If you don't, look in
the other.

=IF(NOT(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A12,'warehouse products'!A14:B18,2,0))),
VLOOKUP(A12,'warehouse products'!A14:B18,2,0),
IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A12,'delivery Products'!A14:B18,2,0)),"missing from both",
VLOOKUP(A12,'delivery Products'!A14:B18,2,0)))

All one cell.


thanx all for your help but it still doesnt want to work. is it possibl
for any of 4 excel wizards 2 get IN touch wIV me thru email? i coul
mail u my system? its nly small.THANX ppl.

getn stressed!!!!

just add me 2 ur msn or email (e-mail address removed)

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