Please help with button macro



I have this code in a button in excel:

Sub open_fp_wrkbk()
' open_fp_wrkbk Macro
' Macro recorded 10/30/2008 by hp90673
ChDir "K:\Readiness and Customer Ops"
Workbooks.Open Filename:="K:\Readiness and Customer Ops\FP_dash.xls"
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 7").Activate
End Sub
It is a table of contents button and it opens a file. It also keeps the file
active in case the user clicks the same toc item again, so that they don't
get the 'this file is already open' or an error. I want to apply this to
other buttons but I know nothing about VB. In the second line where it keeps
the file active, it is calling the file not by it's name but "chart7". Where
is it getting this name from. What should I put in the last line to keep
FP_dash.xls activated for the user. I have tried, and I am just very
frushtrated. Thanks.

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