Please help with code.....




getting I trying to do something I shouldn' is the
beginning of my sub...this is the only area I'm having a problem with...
error message reads:"Unable to set the PrintTitleRows property of the
page setup class"....

Sub props()
Dim myrows As Range
Titles = MsgBox("Do any rows need to repeat?", vbYesNo, "Repeating Titles")
If Titles = vbYes Then
Set myrows = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set myrows = Application.InputBox("Select rows to repeat at top", Type:=8)
On Error GoTo 0
If Not myrows Is Nothing Then
' rows were selected
Set myrows = myrows.EntireRow
' set the rows to repeat at top

With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.PrintTitleRows = myrows ***this is the line of my problem
.PrintTitleColumns = ""
End With
Else: With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.PrintTitleRows = ""
.PrintTitleColumns = ""
End With
End If
End If

Tom Ogilvy

Already answered:

.PrintTitleRows = myrows.Address(1,1,xlA1)

Please stay in your original thread. See there for a more complete answer.

Jim Thomlinson

You need the address not a range object. Give this a whirl...

..PrintTitleRows = myrows.entirerow.address


Sorry, but I refreshed the page for quite a while thought you might have
thought it was done...

FYI...Thank you it worked...

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