Please help with countif formula



Hello all,

I have 2 columns with data: A1:A100 and B1:B100. I need some help with a
formula something similar to countif. A1:A100 has names and B1:B100 has

The formula that I need help with is If the cells in A1:A100 has the name
with "John" and the cells in B1:B100 with values, then give me the number
(count) of those cells.

So I try this formula:

{=count(if(and(a1:a100="John", b1:b100<>""),""))}

Somehow, that formula is not working. It keeps giving me the result with 1.

Please help. Thanks.

מיכ×ל (מיקי) ×בידן

No need for Array Formula.
Try this one:



Thanks for the formula. I tried it, and somehow, it does not work. Thanks.

Jacob Skaria

Let us retry this

Col A Col B
John 2
Mary 0
John N/A
Jeff 1
John 2

In the above example if you expect the count all instances where ColB is not
blank try the formula Micky has suggested which should return 3.

Instead if you expect to count only values or numerics then try the below
formula which returns 2


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