Please help with formula



Hi all, I am in a college class and this is my first experience with

These are the two steps I have been working on for hours and cannot
seem to get right.

1. Insert a formula to calculate to 401k contributions for each
The formula should determine that if the number of years employed is
great than or equal to 1, then the contribution is equal to the
contributin percentage in cell F4 multiplied by the employees salary;
otherwise, the contribution is 0.

Note: The number of years is cell C12 and employees salary is D12.

2. Enter a formula to calculate the health insurance cost for each
employee by testing wrether the name of the employees plan is equal to
the name of the health plan in cell b4. If it is, then the cost fo the
health plan is equal to the value of cell C4, otherwise, the cost is
equal to the value of C5.

Note: Health plan is cell E12.

Thank you so much for any help or advice offered.

Kevin B

The 401K formula is =IF(C12>1,D12*F4,0)

and the health plan formula is



thank you so much for your help, however the first formula, i copied an
pasted both, gives me the word value and second formula does give me
number like its supposed to but its the wrong number, i get 5500 but i
supposed to get 7000. am i doing something wrong or is the formul
wrong? thanks again


thank you so much for your help, however the first formula, i copied an
pasted both, gives me the word value and second formula does give me
number like its supposed to but its the wrong number, i get 5500 but i
supposed to get 7000. am i doing something wrong or is the formul
wrong? thanks again


For your first formula, check that you have numbers in cells D12 and F4
and not text values that look like numbers.

To investigate the second formula, check what values you have in cells
E12, B4, C4 and C5.

Hope this helps.


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