Please help with errors!


Shahna M.

I'm not sure what happened to my template, but everytime I create a new blank
document, the page formatting is way off. The left and right indentations
are correct, but the top and bottom indents are at the edge of each page, not
an inch down, like normal. I have tried editing the template, but
when I open that, it looks fine. I save it and the same thing happens again
when I click new document. I have tried deleting the to force
Word to create a new one. That doesn't work. I have tried creating a new
template, deleting the and renaming the new template I created as That doesn't work. I have tried to repair the installation of
Office, have tried updating Office and finally, as a last resort, uninstalled
and re-installed Office 2003 Pro. None of this has worked. I have a screen
capture available for anyone to see that might help better explain my
problem. It's really a pain to have the text going from the complete top
portion of the page all the way to the complete bottom edge of the page and
not being able to adjust the top and bottom indents. I'm also not able to
adjust anything by dragging the marks on the vertical toolbar on the left
hand side. It doesn't allow me to change anything there. I have also tried
changing the page formatting in the options dialog boxes, to no avail. The
really weird part is, when I click on print preview, it looks fine. As if it
has the 1 inch indent at the top and bottom. It just doesn't look like that
in the editing mode in either print view, outline view, web view, or normal
view. I would really appreciate any help at this point. I am beyond
frustrated! Thanks so much!!!

Charles Kenyon is fine. You've just discovered a new feature of Word 2003!

Tools> Options > View (tab)

Check "White space between pages" in the Print and Web Layout Options

You can turn this off (or on) with an errant mouse click on your screen but
it is easier to turn off that way than it is to turn it back on. If you go
to the gray area between pages with your pointer, it will turn into a couple
of white blocks, one over the other. The tool tip is "Hide white space" or
"Show white space." See

Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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