Please Help With PowerPoint Presentation



Hello everyone. I have a PowerPoint Presentation that is 218 slides that
includes animated gifs and sounds and everything. Currently they are online
where the user will have to download the files to thier computer to view the
presentation. I need a way to maybe embed the presentation into a webpage so
that it can just be viewed online without having to download all the files to
the local PC. I have already tried countless conversion programs and none of
them will do the job properly. Is there some Kind of Application that will
allow me to just ember the presentation? Thanks for the help in advance!!



It would be helpful to hear what you have tried -and what problems you



I have tried just about every powerpoint to flash conversion there is
including Camtasia, ppt2flash, authorpoint, macromedia authorware,
presentersoft power video maker. and more. the biggest problem with them is
that they mix up the sound files or the controls dont work, ie. the user
needs to be able to press the spacebar in order to view the next slide. At
this point I am just trying to recreate each slide in Flash. My problem now
is though that I need the actionscript. I know how to make the SWF stop at
the end of ech slide. I need the actionscript that will make the next slide
play when the user presses the space bar. I tried the onpress spacebar but it
keeps telling me that it can only be applied to a button. Im lost!!

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