Please help with Statistics Functions



Taking a statistics class with the luxury of being able to use excel. I found
most of the formulas I need but I am still stuck on a few that I could not
find from excel help. Anyone that could help with link to any sites with how
to enter these Statistic formulas into excel or could explaini them here it
would greatly be appreciated. The formulas I need are for the following:

Z Score which is the value -mean / the standard deviation

Midpoint which is (Lower class limit) + (Upper class limit)/2 (How to obtain
the lower and upper class limits in excel would also be appreciated)

Relative Frequency Which is Class Frequency/Sample Size (Also how to get the
class frequency and sample size in excel would also be appreciated.)

Weighted Mean which is The sum of (x*w)/n

Mean for Grouped Data which is the sum of (x*f)/n

Sample Standard Deviation for Grouped Data which is the Square root of the
sum of (x-xbar)^2*f/n-1

Chebychev's Theorem which is The portion of any data set lying within K
standard Deviation (k>1) of the mean is at least :

(whole number 1) - 1/k^2 .

Thanks in advance for anyone who can help.

Barb Reinhardt

Let's say your data is in A1:A10

A12: Mean: =Average(A1:A10)
A13: StDev: =stdev(A1:A10)

You want the Z scores in B1:B10
B1: (A1-A$12)/A$13
Copy down to b10

I'd suggest you do some more reading on the class limits and the midpoints
of the classes. If you have specific equations that you need assistance
with in Excel, come back.


Hey, thanks for the Z Score formula, as for other formulas I needed, there
were more further down the page, I guess I should have numbered them. Here
are the others I need all preceeded by the >> arrows and the terms of the
functions needed in Quotes to clarify the rest of the functions I need.
the lower and upper class limits in excel would also be appreciated)
sum of (x-xbar)^2*f/n-1
standard Deviation (k>1) of the mean is at least :
(whole number 1) - 1/k^2 .

Barb Reinhardt

I gather this is an assignment for a class. How do you determine the lower
class limit and the upper class limit. We can help with the formulas, but
I'm not doing your homework for you.


Class limits are simple. I can explain them. A class would be a range of
numbers normally lets say 1 through 10. 11 through 20 would be another class.
The lower class limits on these would be 1 and 11. The upper class limits are
10 and 20. The range is the highest class limit - the lowest class limit. I
already have it set up in excel to determine the range of given values, seems
that was the simplest formula I have found so far by doing this
=MAX(A2:A54)-MIN(A2:A54). As you can see I left alot of room for data
entries. The problem is with taking the logic of how to take the formulas
that you would write down to figure them out and enter them in excel. I don't
need help with the statistics part, I have tutoring via phone lines for that
should I need it, my troubles all reside with the complications in
understanding how to get all of them into excel.

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