please help!



I created created a new form and was editing some code in
the vba editor. I then saved the form from the
standard "form1" to a different name. When I did this, the
vba editor still showed the code under the name "form1".
now when i go onto access it says that form1 cant be
found. so I cannot access any code in the vba editor. Is
there a way to get rid of this non-existent "form1".

Rex Huston

Dirk Goldgar

rexhuston said:
I created created a new form and was editing some code in
the vba editor. I then saved the form from the
standard "form1" to a different name. When I did this, the
vba editor still showed the code under the name "form1".
now when i go onto access it says that form1 cant be
found. so I cannot access any code in the vba editor. Is
there a way to get rid of this non-existent "form1".

Rex Huston

Did you by any chance have Form1 open in form view (not design view)
while you were editing the code? That's been known to cause occasional

Try decompiling the database. First make a backup copy of it, just in
case this makes things worse. Then use Start -> Run... to run a command
line like this:

msaccess /decompile "C:\My Documents\MyDatabase.mdb"

Naturally, you'll have to replace the database path & name in the above
with your own. You *may* have to specify the path to msaccess.exe, but
probably not.

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