please help



I have lost all files I have entered in to Access, just
wondering how to retrive files if the database has been
over written, tryed restoring files from yesterday and it
did not work, can you give me any other options to
finding the 316 files I have lost?

John Vinson

I have lost all files I have entered in to Access, just
wondering how to retrive files if the database has been
over written, tryed restoring files from yesterday and it
did not work, can you give me any other options to
finding the 316 files I have lost?

If your .mdb file has been overwritten, your data is gone.

Your terminology is confusing - Access doesn't contain "files", it
contains Tables, which consist of Records, which consist of Fields.
Did you have 316 *tables* deleted? or 316 records in a table? What
"did not work" in restoring? What did you restore, and what was or
wasn't there?

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