Please help!!!


Keith Brickey

This may sound like a simple or obvious problem but it is really hurting my
project, and so far, no one seems willing to help. Can some who is
experienced with Visio please answer a simple question?

A Visio 2003 diagram contains 2 rectangle shapes that cannot be
superimposed. When I move one shape toward the other, the other shape moves
away. Can someone tell me what causes this irritating behavior, and what
shape properties or application options I can change to correct it?



Lori Pearce \(MSFT\)

Check File->Page Setup "Layout and Routing" tab. There is a checkbox that
says "Move other shapes away on drop" that might be causing your problem.

Also, in the Format->Behavior dialog box you should check the "Placement"
tab. This is a per-shape setting and the other is a per page setting.

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