Please Help


Jenny B.


I just posted not long ago asking for help creating a timer. I've created
one that works (should say worked), but I'm now getting an error and
wondering if you could provide some assistance.

The below calls for the Macro FNINE to run every 15 seconds (which it did
until an error came up after a certain amount of usage). The Macro FNINE is
simply what it sounds like - F9 to refresh the screen. The error is as
follows - The macro "C:\Documents and Settings\usccu044\Destop\2007 Sales
Expansion Steps.xls'!update' cannot be found.

Sales Expansion Steps is the name of my Spreadsheet and it's saved to my
desktop which is also noted in the above code. The worksheet is still
operating fine, but when I click to set this Macro in motion (see below) -
it gives me the mentioned error after every 15 second interval - I just don't
get it.

Thanks for any helps with this - Jenny B.

Sub timer()
Dim nextick
Call fnine
nexttick = Now + TimeValue("00:00:15")
Application.OnTime nexttick, "update"
End Sub


Where is the macro "Update" which called by the last statement?

Or should "update" be "fnine"?

Sub timer()
Dim nextick
nexttick = Now + TimeValue("00:00:15")
Application.OnTime nexttick, "fnine"
End Sub


Is your code in the SHEET1 Object?, or is it in a Module? I had a
similar problem, then cut/pasted all my code to a module and it worked
fine after that.


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