Please wait while Microsoft Outlook exits.




Exchange 2003 on Windows 2003, Windows XP, with Outlook
2000 SP3. (this is happening on a few 2000 Pro
workstations too) Recently when exiting Outlook, the
screen "Please wait while Microsoft Outlook exits."
displays and never goes away. I can kill outlook.exe in
task manager but it is a pain in the arse. I have seen
lots of post with this question but none that have an

Assistance would be appreciated,


William Tatum[MSFT]

Hi Geoff,

Have you installed the winfax by default on these machines? Please review the following articles:

222414.KB.EN-US OL2000: (IMO) Problems with Fax Integration Fixed with Update;EN-US;222414

221201.KB.EN-US OL2000: Outlook Will Not Shut Down with WinFax Pro Installed;EN-US;221201

196366.KB.EN-US: OL2000: Why Outlook May Continue to Run After Exit;EN-US;196366

Sender: "Geoff" <[email protected]>
Subject: Please wait while Microsoft Outlook exits.

Exchange 2003 on Windows 2003, Windows XP, with Outlook
2000 SP3. (this is happening on a few 2000 Pro
workstations too) Recently when exiting Outlook, the
screen "Please wait while Microsoft Outlook exits."
displays and never goes away. I can kill outlook.exe in
task manager but it is a pain in the arse. I have seen
lots of post with this question but none that have an

Assistance would be appreciated,


William R. Tatum III - MCSE, MCSA
Partner Technical Lead - Outlook/Office Setup
Microsoft Tecnnical Support
for Platforms and Business Applications

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