Plot every 10th pt




I have a chart with 1000 data points, and these are listed by date. So when
I chart the data, there are so many pts that it makes the line look all
smudged. Is there any way to only display the 10th or 100th pts.


Bernard Liengme

Lets say the x-values are in A1:A100, the y-values in B1:B100
In C1 enter =IF(MOD(ROW(),10)=0,B1,NA()) and copy down the column
Now chart A1:A100 with C1:C100 (select A1:A100; hold CTRL and select the C
data; now click Chart Wizard)
The NA() will display as #N/A and will not get plotted nor will Excel treat
it as 0.
best wishes

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