• Thread starter undergrowthseer
  • Start date


ei guys,

i have some problems regarding plotting[marking] dates.

i have this table where it shows 12 months based on the current date it
is run, so let's say it's october 7, 2005 today, my macros would plot
12 succeeding months starting october.


oct05 nov05 dec05 jan06 feb06 .... etc

now what i need to do is to mark the months based on to other dates the
user would fill up.


1st date: 11/15/2005
2nd date: 12/01/2006

now i have to put a mark the area where the input dates are in the
table i created:


oct05 nov05 dec05 jan06 feb06 .... etc
x x x x ....

but the my problem is i can't seem to get the year properly, i always
get an output like this one:


oct05 nov05 dec05 jan06 feb06 .... etc
x x

and that's it, i dont know what to do for it to mark until next year.

here's a part of my code:

Dim totalyr As Integer
Dim totalmo As Integer
Dim x As Integer

ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

indate = ActiveCell.Value
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
offdate = ActiveCell.Value

modatein = Month(indate)
yrdatein = Year(indate)

modateoff = Month(offdate)
yrdateoff = Year(offdate)

totalyr = yrdateoff - yrdatein
'get how many months
If totalyr >= 1 Then
totalmo = DateDiff("m", indate, offdate)
End If
If totalyr = 0 Then
totalmo = modateoff - modatein + 1
End If

'getting start plot month
celldate = ActiveCell.Value
mocelldate = Month(celldate)
yrcelldate = Year(celldate)
'getting difference of start plot date from roll in date
datetotal = DateDiff("m", celldate, indate)
If datetotal <= 12 Then
ActiveCell.Offset(0, datetotal).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
steps = 12 - datetotal
If datetotal > 12 And datetotal < 0 Then
End If
End If
If datetotal > 12 Then
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
steps = 12 - datetotal
End If

'checks if roll in date is before start plot date
If celldate > indate Then
excessdate = mocelldate - modatein
End If

'goes to the cell where plot starts
If datetotal <= excessdate Then
For x = 1 To excessdate
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
End If

'get remaining months for plotting
remainingdate = datetotal - excessdate
If plottedmonths <= remainingdate Then
For x = 0 To remainingdate
ActiveCell.Value = "1"
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
End If

it's actually almost my whole, i hope someone can help.

thanks man

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