PLS HELP! Form Combo Box




I am trying to create a form that would contain:

Main Form: Family ID and Family Name (from Family Info table)

Sub Form: PaymentID, Payment Date, Mode, Cheque No. and Payment Amount
(from Payment table)

Sub Form: PaymentID, Student Name, Student Course and Amount from Payment
Amount allocated to that particular student and course

Basically, I want to be able to see and fill in payment information by
family. Each family may have more than one child who takes more than one
course. These are identified in a table called Enrollment, whose PK
EnrollmentID, identifies the students and courses they are taking.

I also have separate Student and Courses tables that the Enrollment table is
related to.

The main form and 1st sub form described above work fine.

However, when it comes to the allocation part, I'm totally stuck. I want to
see only the students and courses they are taking for the family currently
displayed. I also want to click in a payment line and see/fill in exactly
how the payment is allocated.

I tried to use combo boxes to do this, but they don't work. Either not at
all, or they give me a list of all students; not just the ones in a
particular family.

Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated!

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