pls help/ im begging? hehe



could some one please help ? i have created a workbook that i want to
use for a test system. treat it like a survey and have dropdows that
they pik the answer, and it picks from 1-4 depending on their choice,
and its put on the results worksheet. Then i have a "correct or not?"
row that has eihter TRUE or FALSE if the student picked the correct
answer according to the answer key (another worksheet)
i want to try and figure out a way that if i make up a 100 questions
and i use this method of having true or false, how can i calculate how
manye false vs true are there and get a percentage?
so if the miseed 4 questions (4 false) then the result is 96%

i am new to this excel world, but im trying to learn, if there is a
eaier way to do this, please advise. thanks in advance...



If ALL your TRUE/FALSE answers are in a SINGLE row then assuming data is in
row 10:

Put this in required cell and format as %

=COUNTIF(10:10,False)/100 will give % False

=COUNTIF(10:10,True)/100 ) will give % True


that didint work for me
the tru and false are on row 6
so i put =COUNTIF(6:6,TRUE)/100
and format to percent
it just stay at 0%
also, how would o go about creating a submit button that when pressed
will save all the answered chosen and save them on the results page,
then clear the question sheetfor the next person to take the test? so
everytime they put a new name and hit save, it wills ave results on
same workbook?
i can attach it if you want to better see what i am talking about
thanks a million


First, the COUNTIF problem; you get the zero result because you placed the
COUNTIF function in the same row that COUNTIF was using and thus has a
"circular reference" - you should have a message to this affect.

Anyway, if you want the % in the same row, you will need to change COUNTIF
to something like:

=countif(C2:C101,TRUE)/100 assuming the answers are in colums 2 to 101. Put
the formula in (say) c102 or perhpas better in C2 and move the answers to thr
right so the formula is =COUNTIF(C3:C102),TRUE)/100.

Regarding code to copy results etc: your answers go in row 4 of RESULTS so
I suggest they are copied to a (new) summary sheet where all the respondents
are (can be) listed. And what do you want to store - the answers in row 4 or
those in row 6 (TRUE/FALSE)?

I note some answers may not have a TRUE/FALSE answer so your % may need
adjusting to allow only for TRUE/False answers i.e if 96 of 100 questions
have T/F answers, then divide by 96.

And finally, how many sheets are the questions going to be on? The current
format is (in my view) not very user-friendly - you might be better using a
multi-page userform as your input document.

Perhaps think a little more about the design as the code to copy the results
is fairly straight forward.



thanks a lot
it works now. as far as the results i want to store, i want it to
store in a new sheet. so i can have what they picked and whether it was
true or false (right or wrong)
and the percentage
so everytime someone hits the submit, it saves it per ID (name) then it
clears it and its ready for who ever wants to take the test and hwen
they hit submit it stores it under the 1st person
sorry, im a noob, but thanks for the help
As far as the questions, im just going to create the questions all 1
one sheet and they go 1 by 1 and pick the answer from dropdown

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