Method 1 - open up the table in design view and select properties for
the table. Set the subdatasheet to None
Method 2 - use the following vba code from Microsoft.
'Source: MS Knowledge Base #275085
Sub TurnOffSubDataSheets()
Dim MyDB As DAO.Database
Dim MyProperty As DAO.Property
Dim propName As String, propVal As String, rplpropValue As String
Dim propType As Integer, i As Integer
Dim intCount As Integer
On Error GoTo tagError
Set MyDB = CurrentDb
propName = "SubDataSheetName"
propType = 10
propVal = "[None]"
rplpropValue = "[Auto]"
intCount = 0
For i = 0 To MyDB.TableDefs.Count - 1
If (MyDB.TableDefs(i).Attributes And dbSystemObject) = 0 Then
If MyDB.TableDefs(i).Properties(propName).Value = rplpropValue Then
MyDB.TableDefs(i).Properties(propName).Value = propVal
intCount = intCount + 1
End If
End If
Next i
If intCount > 0 Then
MsgBox "The " & propName & " value for " & intCount & _
" non-system tables has been updated to " & propVal & "."
End If
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 3270 Then
Set MyProperty = MyDB.TableDefs(i).CreateProperty(propName)
MyProperty.Type = propType
MyProperty.Value = propVal
MyDB.TableDefs(i).Properties.Append MyProperty
intCount = intCount + 1
Resume tagFromErrorHandling
MsgBox Err.Description & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & " in
TurnOffSubDataSheets routine."
End If
End Sub