Plz Anyone Convert this VB code to C# Equivalent



Plz Anyone Convert this VB code to C# Equivalent
Here Application is MS Word.
With Application
.Visible = True
.COMAddIns.Item("NETSLogin.CNetsWord").Connect = True
.Run MacroName:=""
End With
Thank u for ur help in Advance.Plz help ASAP.
With bers regards

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Goraya,
Plz Anyone Convert this VB code to C# Equivalent
Here Application is MS Word.
With Application
.Visible = True
.COMAddIns.Item("NETSLogin.CNetsWord").Connect = True
.Run MacroName:=""
End With
Hmmm. These groups are actually here to help you learn to solve your
own problems. So, IMO, you need to put in some effort, then ask for
help to solve the parts you just can't figure out. This should get you

How is it not working for you, as it stands? Can't recall having ever
seen With...End With used in C#, so you need to precede each of the
code lines with Application. And put a ; at the end of each of them.
Then, C# doesn't recognize named arguments, so you have to remove the
parameter names, such as MacroName:=

Once you do all that, then try to run it, what does the Debug tell you
is wrong?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

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