San Diego
We have about 30 people working on our projects and any % changes to their
tasks are not getting sent/updated to the project.
One other thing. My resources permissions are limited to only allowing 2
items in their category permission table. I have only allowed - See Projects
in Project Center & See Projects in Project Views. These folks have the "Team
Member" security access that I have heavily restricted. Maybe I have
restricted their category permissions too much. Are there any other
permissions that I should be allowing so that my Resource folks task updates
get to the PM?
We have about 30 people working on our projects and any % changes to their
tasks are not getting sent/updated to the project.
One other thing. My resources permissions are limited to only allowing 2
items in their category permission table. I have only allowed - See Projects
in Project Center & See Projects in Project Views. These folks have the "Team
Member" security access that I have heavily restricted. Maybe I have
restricted their category permissions too much. Are there any other
permissions that I should be allowing so that my Resource folks task updates
get to the PM?