PMs seeing more projects than RBS and category stipulates



OK folks. I'm about to go crazy here and would sure appreciate any
insight. First, I did answer my previous question about projects
showing up in the client and not in PWA for folks who were setup with
read-only access through another category. This is for others'
benefit: In addition to stipulating in "My Projects" the PM can only
view THEIR projects (w/PM permissions) I also created another category
"My Other Projects" where they can view projects where they are team
members or where their people are assigned. In that situation, the
only permissions given were the ones associated with the PWA. The
projects weren't showing up in the PWA because I had not yet associated
any views with that category (somehow I thought that would be taken
care of through the "My Projects" category).

-----Anyway, here's my new problem. After adding more resources to the
resource poole (and users) and populating the RBS as appropriate, some
of these PMs are able to view ADDITIONAL projects in PWA which they do
not own and to which they have no people assigned. I've gone back and
rechecked the RBS to be certain everything is the way it should be.
The strange thing is that all these users have the exact same
categories assigned to them, yet one out of seven only sees the
appropriate projects in PWA and the other 6 see more than they should
be able to.

What am I not seeing here?

Andy Novak
University of North Texas


Solved my problem....I was looking at the individual task resource
assignments but didn't think about the team built for the project from
enterprise. Apparently the way project works is that it checks for
resources existing as team members of the project when it comes to the
category business rules, whether an assignment is created for them or
not. Whew!!


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