Point of Sale application



Hi Everyone,

How would I accept a bar code from a wand/scanner in my
MS Access application?

Would I read it from DOS?
How would I translate it to MS Access?

Any helpfull hints would be great.



I have a scanner that plugs into the same port as the
keyboard using a splitter cable to enable both input
devices. When you scan a barcode it basically acts as
doing the keystrokes manually.

Just add a textbox to a form in Access and perform the
scan when the textbox has the focus, the barcode should



I have the same question/problem. On getting the focus of
a text box on a form, how the text box know s that it
must get information from the bar code? and also, how can
the information gets into the table to which the form is




When the cursor in on the field, just point the scanner to the desire
barcode then pull the trigger, the barcode would be read into the field and
store into the table if it is a bound field. If is it a sale form, you must
disable Tab Stop property of the other fields such as Qty, Unit Price etc..
so that when you trigger the scanner, the cursor is moving to the barcode
field of a new record.



If you don't use a keyboard wedge (described by the other
posters), then you will need to capture the input and
transmit it to your MS Access application.

My solution was to purchase a wireless laser scanner with
a base station that connected to the RS-232 port. Then I
created an VB COM object that was instantiated by my
Access application. The VB COM object captured COM1,
interpreted the incoming scanner input, and effected an
event within my Access application -- passing the scanner

This allowed me to easily know whether it was the scanner
doing the talking or the keyboard, allowing independent
action (i.e., not requiring the cursor to be within a
special scanner input box).

Note: You don't have to create a VB COM object to capture
COM1. Find the data communications ActiveX control and
use it in an MS Access form to capture the COM1 port.

David Atkins, MCP

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