point scoring for sports club



am not sure how to word this but here goes

11/11/2006 11 1 e5 should say 3 as its more than 0 as b4 is 0
12/11/2006 10.9 3 e6 should say 3 as it was a better time than b5
13/11/2006 3 e7 should say 0 as it is left blank
14/11/2006 2 e8 should say 0 as its left blank
15/11/2006 11.5 1 e9 should say 1 as it's a less better time in b9
16/11/2006 10.9 3 e10 should say 2 as its equal the best time
random cells in column B are used with difference times if is used as
a running race
at start of season we don't know what cells in column B are to be used



It would appear that you have race dates n Col A, from A5 down
It would also appear that you have times achieved in Col B or C, from B5 or
C5 down.
Can you explain the set of numbers which seem to appear in Col C or D, from
C5 or D5 down? - 1, 3, 3, 2, 1 and 3?
I can however not figure out the logic of having E5 and E6 both showing a 3,
nor why E9 should be a 1 or why E10 should be a 2.
Could you perhaps elaborate on that?


am not sure how to word this but here goes

11/11/2006 11 1 e5 should say 3 as its more than 0 as b4 is 0
12/11/2006 10.9 3 e6 should say 3 as it was a better time than b5
13/11/2006 3 e7 should say 0 as it is left blank
14/11/2006 2 e8 should say 0 as its left blank
15/11/2006 11.5 1 e9 should say 1 as it's a less better time in b9
16/11/2006 10.9 3 e10 should say 2 as its equal the best time
random cells in column B are used with difference times if is used as
a running race
at start of season we don't know what cells in column B are to be used

rows time
4 0
5 11/11/2006 11 1 F5 should say 3 as its more than 0 as C4 is 0
6 12/11/2006 10.9 3 F6 should say 3 as it was a better time than C5
7 13/11/2006 3 F7 should say 0 as it is left blank
8 14/11/2006 2 F8 should say 0 as its left blank
9 15/11/2006 11.5 1 F9 should say 1 as it's a less better time in C9
10 16/11/2006 10.9 3 F10 should say 2 as its equal the best time
random cells in column C are used with difference times if is used
as a running race
at start of season we don't know what cells in column C are to be
IF(C5<C4,3,IF(C5=C4,2,IF(C5>C4,1))) I have used this formula in row
time is in seconds

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