Points of Space Before suppressed.



I thought I had found every last attribute setting in Word. This stumps me.

I have a document where the 10 points of space before a Heading 2 gets
reduced as the space after for the heading paragraph above is increased. When
a normal pargraph is above, the 10 points of space is active. But when a
heading level 1 or 2 is above, the 10 points is absorbed into the space after
of the preceding paragraph.

"Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style" is not turned on. I'm


The space between paragraphs is the greater of SpaceBelow of the upper par
and the SpaceAbove of the lower; not the sum.


Thanks. But that's not how spacing works in the standard template I use.
Points above and points below are the sum for spacing. I just can't figure
out what's making the difference between the template I use all the time and
the (apparently) modified template attached to my current document.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

On the Compatibility tab of Tools | Options, check the box for "Don't use
HTML paragraph auto spacing."

Shauna Kelly

Hi Henslow

I find this 'feature' to be very confusing. Here, 10 + 10 = 10. This feature
was introduced (from memory) in Word 2000. But you can turn it off on a
per-document basis.

To do that, Tools > Options > Compatability. Search the long list, and tick
"Don't use HTML paragraph auto spacing". Now, 10 + 10 = 20.

If you want to set this option for all future documents, open Normal.dot and
make the change there, as described at
http://www.word.mvps.org/FAQs/Customization/CustomizeNormalTemplate.htm in
the section "To make other changes".

Or, if you use other templates, use File > Open to open them, make the
change, make a trivial change in the document (eg spacebar then backspace),
then save.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

It is not necessary to open Normal.dot to make this the default. Open a new
blank document based on Normal.dot. Change this compatibility option (and
any others you like), then click Default...


Thanks so much to everyone who helped in clearing this up! I had even
checked under Compatibility for a solution, but just didn't recognize that
wording as being what I was after.

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