Poor sound quality in Powerpoint recordings



I've been trying to record a narration for a presentation. The quality of
the sound, using an appropriate microphone and sound card, is appalling --
there is all kinds of background fuzz.

This is not a hardware problem. I can use the same hardware to record a
clip using Window's sound recorder application, and then attach it to the
slide -- pristine. It's only a problem when the recording is done through a
powerpoint dialogue -- either narration, or "insert sound recording".

A recording done through "narration" would be the easiest thing for me, but
the quality of the finished product is unacceptable and unprofessional. I
will have to do individual recordings and attach separately to each slide,
which is way more work for a long presentation.

Can anyone help?



I tried different quality settings, it made no difference. The problem had
to do with recording directly into PPT, through the narration function. As
noted, when I used sound recorder (same qualtiy setting) there was no
problem. It's a mystery.

With respect to microphones, a pro-quality mike didn't work -- too weak a
signal, not enough gain in the sound card. However, cheap mikes sold for
things like VOIP worked fine, although I had to select the "boost microphone"
function in the sound application. This worked for both my laptop and my
desktop, but in the desktop only after I bought a cheap soundcard to replace
the onboard sound function.

But I would like to find a way to make the record narration function work. . .


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